A Pentester’s Approach to Kubernetes Security — Part 2

Riyaz Walikar
Published in
6 min readNov 16, 2023


Dall E generated container ship being attacked

This is the second of the two-part blog series. Part 1 is covered here — https://blog.appsecco.com/a-pentesters-approach-to-kubernetes-security-part-1-2b328252954a

We will continue and conclude with some more misconfigurations that have led to exciting results during our pentesting engagements.

Vulnerabilities and Misconfigurations

The misconfigurations covered in this post arise from going overboard with privilege assignments, either due to overlapping permission sets or poor implementation knowledge, especially with cloud-managed clusters. Additionally, exposing unauthenticated management dashboards to the Internet is always a bad idea.

Permissions and Poor Privilege RBAC Management

Kubernetes RBAC is implemented by assigning permissions (verbs) as a group (roles/clusterroles) using an association (rolebindings/clusterrolebindings) to a user, group or service account.

Basically, a user or service account can be assigned a permission (or a set of permissions) via a role bound together with a rolebinding. Roles and Rolebindings are limited to specific namespaces whereas ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings are cluster-wide.

A common misconfiguration I come across is when overprivileged rolebindings and clusterrolebindings are assigned to arbitrary users, the default service accounts, or even worse to the system:anonymous account. Here’s an example of an overprivileged service account having cluster-admin access via the app-admin-deployer ClusterRoleBinding.

A custom clusterrolebinding with cluster-admin role
cluster-admin clusterrole is bound to the app-admin-deployer-sa service account
Secret within the service account
Secret contains all the key elements required to construct a working kubeconfig file

An attacker can use the ca.crt and token from here to become cluster administrator. These two values can be accessed from a pod’s mounted file system as well via the /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount path

token and ca.crt in the pod’s mounted file system

To discover overprivileged service accounts or users, follow these steps

  1. List all clusterroles, for each clusterrole obtain the verbs assigned using -o json
  2. Identify any overprivileged clusterroles that can perform CRUD operations or the notorious value of “*”
  3. List all clusterrolebindings and look for clusterrolebindings that have a privileged clusterrole attached
  4. For each of these clusterrolebindings use -o json and identify the service accounts and users listed under subjects section
  5. For each subject across each problematic clusterrolebinding, evaluate where it is being used.

ClusterRoleBindings give privileges across the entire cluster and in most cases can be detected easily with tools, however RoleBindings for each namespace are not usually inspected by tools. These can be used to build cluster-wide permission scope (imagine rolebindings across each namespace giving admin privileges individually making it the same as cluster-wide admin). The attacker in such cases would work with a ca.crt and token for each namespace individually to mimic cluster-wide access.

A rolebinding with access to the system:anonymous user. The default namespace is readable without auth

Cloud IAM, K8S mapping and Cluster to Cloud Escape

Cloud-managed clusters like EKS and GKE implement an RBAC mapping layer between the cloud platform layer and Kubernetes so that any cloud IAM user provisioned to work with Kubernetes, can be assigned appropriate roles within the cluster.

In AWS, for example, you can follow this guide to see how an AWS IAM user, who did not create the cluster, can be assigned a Kubernetes user role.


Imagine a scenario where an AWS IAM user (let’s call this user eksadmin) exists, who can create an EKS Cluster but does not have access to other services like AWS S3 or IAM. If the role, AmazonEKSNodeRole in this case, attached to the Cluster Node Group EC2 instances is over-privileged like it is as shown in the screenshot below, the eksadmin IAM user would be able to gain access to these other privileges via the nodes instance profile.

Overprivileged roles attached to the AmazonEKSNodeRole

The eksadmin user can generate a kubeconfig file and use it to exec into a running pod. Once in the pod, the user can use the AWS cli directly or generate privileged temporary credentials using the STS service via IMDS on the nodes.

Exec to a pod to access the Instance Metadata service on the underlying node

These credentials will have the same privileges as the AmazonEKSNodeRole IAM role, which in this case, will give full access to IAM and S3 as well.

For GKE, accessing the http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/attributes/kube-env endpoint contains the values for CA_CERT, KUBELET_CERT, and KUBELET_KEY which are the initial bootstrap credentials the kubelet uses when attaching the node to the GKE cluster.

GKE kube-env exposing bootstrap credentials on non shielded GKE nodes

These can be used to construct a kubeconfig yaml to access the cluster or used directly in the command line

kubectl -s=https://cluster-server-ip \
--client-certificate=/path/to/kubelet.crt \
--client-key=/path/to/kubelet.key \
--certificate-authority=/path/to/ca.crt \
get nodes

This, however, only works on GKE clusters that have Shielded Nodes disabled AND have legacy metadata endpoint enabled, both of which are non-default settings, making this attack rare in modern day GKE clusters.

Additionally, the privileges obtained via the bootstrap credentials only have CertificateSigningRequests (CSR) permission, which need to be additionally exploited to generate fake CSR to escalate privileges.

kubelet bootstrap credentials do not have any useful perms, except CSR create and get permissions

For non Shielded GKE nodes, you can use a tool like kubeletmein to automate CSR generation for a non existing node and get a certificate in return from the kube-controller-manager which can be used to construct a kubeconfig with higher privileges.

fake worker node registration using CSR and kubeconfig genaration using kubeletmein

GKE, generally presents a harder attack and exploitation experience via its more modern defaults.

Exposed Cluster Administration Dashboards

The most common way of managing Kubernetes clusters is using the kubectl binary. Kubectl essentially makes HTTP and websocket requests to the Kubernetes API server. There are other UI products that can be used to interact with the control plane API like the Kubernetes dashboard, Weave Scope, Lens etc.

Usually, these management tools have authentication requirements but in the in the worst cases, these dashboards are accessible over the Internet without any authentication. A quick Shodan/Censys search will give you some very interesting results 😱

Exposed kubernetes dashboards on Censys

These are live results, so recommend you do not interact with the clusters that you discover using Censys or Shodan.

An attacker can simply pick a target, run pods, bring down deployments, exec into running pods, ping sweep and port scan adjacent pods and computes, extract tokens and certificates, reach the instance metadata service endpoints, extract cloud env variables and credentials and escape to the cloud layer. The possibilities are limitless for an attacker.


This post covers common misconfigurations with Kubernetes clusters around permissions, privileges and RBAC. Also, misconfigurations that can be abused to escalate privileges to eventually escape to the cloud layer are also covered.

OSINT tools like Shodan and Censys can also be used to find misconfigured Kubernetes dashboards that can allow for a complete takeover of the cluster and potentially the cloud platform also, via additional over-privileged role permissions.

PS: Our Kubernetes Penetration Testing as a Service offering can be used to run a real world penetration test on your clusters to assess its security. Drop in a hello to riyaz@appsecco.com to know more!

